Friday, March 4, 2011

When troubles arise

We never want conflict (rather, we shouldn't!). But when it arises, as it inevitably will until Jesus comes and we are glorified in and with Him, it's all in how we handle it. A good prayer would be, "Lord, if I am right, make me humble, meek and gracious. And if I am wrong, please open my eyes and make me teachable (and humble, meek and gracious)."


Alert, my friends......I have not arrived. Lest anyone think I think I am perfect, let me dispel the thought. I am a sinner, saved by grace. But, I still sin. Yes, it is true. But, oh the riches of His grace, which is sufficient for me. And you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Help, Meet for the Helpmeet

I know, that sounds rather odd. But, that is what it is. You will find here, help. And it will be meet for the helpmeet. And, no, that is not a typo. "Meet," as in what you need...appropriate to the task. And you, dear one, are the helpmeet. Yes, that is the audience for this place...that is your job, your glorious calling. Revel in it. Love it. Find joy in it. Be content in it. Feast upon it.

And I will be here to cheer you on.

Thank you for dropping by. Please do visit from time to time. But, let me not distract you from your purpose. Rather, let me encourage you in it. My mama says that everyone needs a soft place to fall. You may find that here. But, do not bring itching ears, for they will go unsatisfied. Truth can be a difficult thing to accept, but that is what you will find here as well. Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Iron sharpens iron, but there is friction involved. The furnace of the silversmith is hot, but we emerge with His image, and that is what we want...really.

You are his portion in life. Give him a heapin' helpin'....give him a feast.

Good, Better, Best...

Never let it rest, 'til your good gets better and your better is best.